The International Secure Information Governance & Management Association enforces standards and ethical compliance for data destruction and records and information management service providers. It currently maintains the most rigorous and widely accepted data-security vendor-compliance certifications, NAID AAA Certification and PRISM Privacy+ Certification, with hundreds of governments and thousands of private contracts using the programs to meet their regulatory due diligence requirements.
RecordXpress is fully sanctioned by i-SIGMA.

The National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) is the international association that sets information destruction standards for both paper and electronic data
NAID AAA certification verifies that a service provider meets stringent qualifications for secure information destruction.
RecordXpress is NAID AAA certified.

Professional Records and Information Services Management (PRISM) sets standards for how data is destroyed and provides guidance for how hard-copy records and off-line removable computer media, such as hard drives or storage disks, should be stored.
RecordXpress is a certified PRISM International member.

ARMA is the world's leading membership organization serving professionals who manage and govern information. It sets the standards and best practices to manage the full information lifecycle.
RecordXpress is an active member of ARMA.

The Law Office Management Association supports individuals who have administrative or management responsibilities in legal organizations. It provides support to its members by focusing on education and professional development with association meetings.
RecordXpress is an active member of TLOMA.